Persephone’s Journey as a Mirror to Addiction and Recovery
Depth Recovery grounds its perspective of recovery as a cyclical process in the myth of Persephone. The mythos of Persephone is vast, and shares a
Insights and articles written by the Depth Recovery Team.
Depth Recovery grounds its perspective of recovery as a cyclical process in the myth of Persephone. The mythos of Persephone is vast, and shares a
Perhaps addiction is simply another fiction, another mythos, another story that one can fall into. Hillman begs us to remember that story is not something
One of Depth Recovery’s main moves is the de-personalization of the pathology. Whether it be focused on depression, anxiety, addiction, or recovery – the grounding
There is a famous quote by Bill W. the Co-Founder of Alcoholics Anonymous that sounds something like, “…AA is really a spiritual kindergarten.” An interesting
Through the lens of Depth Recovery, the initial response to any arising affliction is curiosity. Whether addiction, depression, or my anxiety – the process of
“Pathology is not a problem to be solved, but the soul’s way of working on itself”
– James Hillman